[STEMsmart] Stop and Listen
[STEMsmart] Stop and Listen
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 46 Lessons

This week, children will explore the world of sounds. Children will begin to recognise loud/soft sounds, and how to change the volume of sounds. Children will: 

  • Sound classification: loud/small, explore the materials that make up loud/small sounds;
  • Use different body parts (hands, feet, mouth) to make loud/soft sounds;
  • Explore outdoor sounds and find their sources;
  • Read and write poems about sound;
  • Learn about the sounds of the countryside through themed videos;
  • School sound mapping based on the school map, and with the help of noise measurement software;
  • Get acquainted with the letters Dd and Yy, and the words "Night" and "Silence".
[STEMsmart] Making Sounds
[STEMsmart] Making Sounds
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 43 Lessons

During the first week of this topic, children will continue to expand their sound discoveries from the previous weeks and create music. They will:

  • Explore different ways of making sounds like drag, knock;
  • Pay attention to sound characteristics such as volume, pitch, and timbre; notice how the characterisation of the sound with the voice;
  • Explore different materials for making musical instruments, such as a rubber band guitar;
  • Read books and listen to music themed reading stories to realise the beauty and power of music;
  • Review the letter  and the word “Music”.
[STEMsmart] Changing a Sound
[STEMsmart] Changing a Sound
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 43 Lessons

This week, continuing with the theme of “Composing music”, children will continue to learn more about music, and compose their own music. Children will:

  • Continue to explore different ways to make music with different materials;
  • Start exploring listening to audio and pipe chat;
  • Watch thematic videos to expand their observations on creating and listening to sound through a tube;
  • Continue to focus on sound characteristics such as volume, pitch, and timbre;
  • Continue to learn the concept of vibration;
  • Develop an appreciation of music through moving and drawing to music;
  • Listen to a number of stories and songs to develop a vocabulary of new sounds, rhythms and music themed words;
  • Familiarise themselves with the letters “Nn” and “Tt”, the sounds /n/ and /t/; the words "Small" and "Big".
[STEMsmart] Moving to Music
[STEMsmart] Moving to Music
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 37 Lessons

During this last week of the theme “Making Music”, children will be encouraged to express their emotions through body movement while listening to various genres of music. During this week, they will:

  • Explore instruments and their sound characteristics;
  • Discuss the impact of music on emotions, and compare the effects of different types of music;
  • Start composing their music using voices and toy instruments;
  • Started collaborating on composing and performing music;
  • Listen to some stories read, to familiarise yourself with new vocabulary, and understand how music connects people;
  • Review the letters “Nn”, the sound /n/ and the word “Instrument”.
[STEMsmart] Everything about you
[STEMsmart] Everything about you
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 42 Lessons

During this week, children will learn about themselves, their names, birth dates, external physical features, and inner personalities, their likes and dislikes, that make them special. This helps children discover their own self, build confidence and self esteem.

Children will also learn about the parts of the body, the senses, how the parts of the body and senses work, and learn how to protect the body and maintain physical hygiene.

Children will develop an awareness of their own emotions to create healthy and personalised social connections with those around them.

Children will:

  • Listen to the reading book “I Love Myself” by Karen Beaumont, watch the cartoon “Look in the mirror”, and talk together, to form self awareness;
  • Create the book “Everything About Me” and record your presentation;
  • Explore the internal and external parts of the body, and the parts that aren't exactly “parts” with the reading book “Parts” by Tedd Arnold;
  • Investigate how the senses work in the Senses Lab
  • Discover your feelings and share it with your friends in “Friendship Diary”
[STEMsmart] Family and Friends
[STEMsmart] Family and Friends
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 43 Lessons

During the first week of the programme, children will be introduced to the preschool environment and prepared for the transition from family to preschool, introduced to each other, and their ideas of exploring and observing the world. Children will: 

  • Become familiar with the preschool environment and routines
  • Have the opportunity to explore the environment inside and outside the classroom
  • Develop emotional and social abilities because they will:
    • Start learning how to be a friend, and the qualities that make a good friend
    • Compare family similarities and differences while creating “Our Family” galleries
[STEMsmart] At the Library
[STEMsmart] At the Library
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 45 Lessons

During this week of learning, children will be introduced to the alphabet, the interesting and useful things the library has to offer, and they will begin to learn about scientists. Children will:

  • Become familiar with the alphabet and recognise letters in the alphabet, in words, sentences, and in the environment;
  • Learn about the benefits the library offers when children explore the library, and watch video clips about the library;
  • Recognise scientists as explorers who always ask questions, observe, and explore to gather information to find answers;
  • Develop social emotional skills as children:
    • Work in small groups and share your ideas as you explore; 
    • Continue discussing the qualities of a good friend.
[STEMsmart] My Country's Dragon
[STEMsmart] My Country's Dragon
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 32 Lessons

During this week of the program, children will learn about the Vietnamese dragon image, its meaning, and use in Vietnamese culture from the past to present. Children will:

  • Listen to the story about the origin of the dragon image, as well as its meaning in Vietnamese culture;
  • Learn songs expressing national pride and mission of the Dragon Fairy race;
  • Continue to familiarise yourself with letters, familiarise yourself with the word DRAGON through a puzzle game. Pronounce the difficult letter “R”;
  • Listen to the story by theme and review the concept of legend. Learn the connections between stories;
  • Discover the image of the Dragon in Vietnamese culture, in decorative arts, sculpture, embroidery, and dance art.
[STEMsmart] North - Central - South
[STEMsmart] North - Central - South
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 35 Lessons

During this week of the programme, children will learn about the three regions of the North - Central - South, weather characteristics, climate, and famous tourist sites in the three regions, and the geographical location of Vietnam. Children will:

  • Learn about determining the direction of East, West, South, North, sunrise, and sunset;
  • Learn to use simple maps and diagrams, introduce some major cities in the North, Central, and South regions;
  • Discover some famous landmarks in three regions, pictures of specialty dishes;
  • Creation of traditional costumes, royal costumes, and typical costumes of the three regions;
  • Listen to the themed story to learn the history and significance of Turtle Tower in Hanoi, Vietnam.
[STEMsmart] Independence Day
[STEMsmart] Independence Day
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 29 Lessons

During this week of the curriculum, children will learn about Independence Day, the meaning of Independence Day, and activities to celebrate September 2nd. In addition, children also learn about Uncle Ho, Uncle Ho's mausoleum, and learn the national anthem of Vietnam.

  • Children discover together the National Day of the nation, the meaning of the National Day, and watch the video about the Military Parade and fireworks to celebrate September 2, 9 (2015th anniversary of the founding of the country) ;
  • Children create together and learn the meaning of the Vietnamese flag. Thereby, learn more about the flags of some other countries in the world, and review the knowledge about the continents;
  • Children learn the national anthem of Vietnam, and feel patriotism and national pride;
  • Children explore Uncle Ho's Mausoleum, Fish Pond, and the stilt house where Uncle used to live to learn more about Uncle;
  • Children listen to stories by topic to better understand Uncle Ho, and to love and respect Uncle Ho more.
[STEMsmart] Flowing Water
[STEMsmart] Flowing Water
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 43 Lessons

During the first week of the Magic Water theme, children will: 

  • Discover how water reacts when it is poured on different surfaces
  • Learn about liquids in the shape of their containers
  • Using different tools to transport water, observe, and describe the movement of water on them
  • Get acquainted with the nature of water through the story Everyone is wet!
  • Discover the origin and flow of the Pine River
  • Review the letter Nn, the sound /n/, and the word Water.
[STEMsmart] Float and Sink
[STEMsmart] Float and Sink
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 46 Lessons

This week, your child will learn about objects that can float or sink. Children will: 

  • Explore floating or sinking objects made from different materials;
  • Create boats from a variety of materials, and discover which materials float or sink in water;
  • Listen to, and watch a number of readings, and tapes, to learn more about sinking and floating under different conditions;
  • Learn the letter Tt, the sound /t/, and the word Boat.
[STEMsmart] Waterways
[STEMsmart] Waterways
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 47 Lessons

During this week your child will continue to explore the movement of water, how to create and change water flow. Children will: 

  • Continue to create rivers by digging paths for water to flow
  • Start planning, and building wider and more complex waterways
  • Learn about dams and dam construction
  • Continue to use tools to transport water
  • Listen to themed stories that strengthen your child's knowledge of the concept of flowing water, and help them explore the water in the ocean
  • Learn about the estuary: the end of the river is where the river empties into the sea
  • Let's review the letters Ss and Dđ, sounds /s/ and /đ/, from River and Dam.
[STEMsmart] Where Does Water Go?
[STEMsmart] Where Does Water Go?
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 47 Lessons

In this lesson, children will discover where water flows: seas and oceans. Children will:

  • Explore the oceans and continents of the earth;
  • Review evaporation of water and recognise that evaporating seawater can produce salts;
  • Identify ocean layers, compare the order and color of each layer;
  • Learn about marine pollution and some of its causes;
  • Thinking and finding measures to limit pollution and protect the sea;
  • Listen to and watch themed stories to explore with their characters the beauties of the seas and oceans above and below;
  • Review the letter Dđ, sound /đ/ in the word Ocean and the letter Ss, sound /s/ in the word Sea creatures.
[STEMsmart] Sprouts
[STEMsmart] Sprouts
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 47 Lessons

During the first week of the lesson, the child will explore the plants outside and plant some seeds and bulbs. Children begin to notice the similarities and differences between plants. Children will:

  • Explore outdoor plants to learn more about the diverse world of plants, and their parts
  • Plant peas, grass seeds, and observe
  • Planting onions, and observing
  • Listen to stories related to the subject to understand more about the growth process of plants and connect with your experience of planting seeds, and planting trees
  • Get acquainted with the letter Hh, the sound /h/, and the word Seed
[STEMsmart] Watch It Grow
[STEMsmart] Watch It Grow
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 41 Lessons

During this week, children will learn about seeds and plants; Look inside fruits for seeds. Children will:

  • Observe and record changes in the seeds and bulbs your child has planted
  • Using non standard measuring tools to measure plant growth
  • Create a bar chart to track plant growth
  • Listen to themed stories to learn about the growth of seeds and plants
  • Get acquainted with the letter Vv, the sound /v/, and the word Garden
[STEMsmart] Plant Needs
[STEMsmart] Plant Needs
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 43 Lessons

During this week, children will continue to learn about plants and the basic needs of living things. Children will: 

  • Learn the basic needs of plants
  • Explore indoor and outdoor plants
  • Continue to observe, measure, and record plant growth
  • Hear stories related to the topic, and learn how a family grows and maintains a garden, the effects of worms on plants, and the interactions between organisms to meet their needs
  • Get acquainted with the letter Gg, the sound /g/, and the word worm 
[STEMsmart] Animals
[STEMsmart] Animals
1,000,000 VND 5 sections 31 Lessons

During this week, children will explore the fascinating world of animals, learning about different types of animals, their characteristics and habitats. Through indoor and outdoor activities, videos and reading stories, children will develop an understanding of the animal kingdom. Children will participate in activities that stimulate creativity, imagination and discussion about animals, and they will create their own books and illustrations of the animals they have learned about. 

Children will:

  • Discover different types of animals through indoor and outdoor activities
  • Watch videos and read books about animals and their characteristics
  • Develop an understanding of animal senses and life cycles and compare them with human senses and life cycles
  • Participate in activities that stimulate creativity, imagination and discussion about animals 
[STEMsmart] Rolling and Sliding
[STEMsmart] Rolling and Sliding
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 43 Lessons

During the first week of lessons, children will begin to discover how objects roll and slide down an inclined plane or ramp. Children will:

  • Discover the different ways an object can roll or slide down a ramp
  • Build your own ramp, and watch what happens when different objects roll or slide down the ramp
  • Get familiar with antonyms, like, up and down
  • Listen to and watch themed stories to familiarise yourself with the concept of rolling and sliding, and learn the benefits of ramps to people
  • Let's review the words "Vv", "Vv"; sound /d/, /d/; from Ramps and Soars
[STEMsmart] Building Ramps
[STEMsmart] Building Ramps
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 44 Lessons

During this week, children will build their ramps and learn the motion of objects down the ramp. Children will:

  • Recognising how the shape of an object affects whether the object rolls, slides, or stays still
  • Observe how far the tilt affects the rolling object
  • Watch objects roll faster and farther than others
  • Observe different moving objects when dropped from ramps with different slopes, when leaving the ramp, and when colliding with another object
  • Recognise that sliding objects are easier to maneuver on steeper surfaces, and both sliding and rolling objects move faster down steeper surfaces
  • Learn the uses of ramps for people
  • Listen to, and watch themed videos to learn more about ramps
  • Develop social and emotional abilities through activities, and play in small and large groups
  • Get familiar with the letter “Ll”, the sound /l/, and the word Up
[STEMsmart] Faster, Farther
[STEMsmart] Faster, Farther
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 50 Lessons

During this week, children will explore ramps with different surfaces, textures, and see what happens to rolling objects as the slope of the ramp increases. Children will:

  • Compare the motion of objects on different surfaces
  • Build ramps, and find out what happens when ramps get steeper
  • Listen to themed stories to learn more about ramps, and the use of wheels for people
  • Develop social emotional skills when working in groups of two or more people to build ramps
  • Get familiar with the letters “Xx” and “Dđ” in the words “Down” and “Motor”
[STEMsmart] Roads and Intersections
[STEMsmart] Roads and Intersections
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 40 Lessons

During this week, children will learn about movement. Children will:

  • Forming perceptions of near and far distances
  • Recognise the importance of mobility in modern life, and the different ways of moving
  • Classification of traffic environments, and means of transport by land, water, rail, and air
  • Realise what makes vehicles move through real experiments
  • Learn how to design roads and intersections that are safe for users
  • Recognise the importance of safe mobility and how to move safely 
[STEMsmart] Vehicles of Tomorrow
[STEMsmart] Vehicles of Tomorrow
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 42 Lessons

During this week, children will learn about technology and future mobility. Children will:

  • Synthesise common understanding and classification of today's land, water, and air vehicles
  • Learn the history of the development of transportation technology (Some means of transportation from the past to the present)
  • Compare and evaluate advantages and disadvantages of some means of transportation
  • Learn about the evolution of mobility through the new modes of transportation that are shaping the future
  • Identify what makes the vehicles of the future special and different from the vehicles of the present
  • Come up with new ideas for ​​​​inventing future means of transport
[STEMsmart] Build a house
[STEMsmart] Build a house
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 47 Lessons

During the first week, children will begin to learn about houses and buildings. Children will:

  • Explore different materials used in house construction
  • Getting to know the different parts of a house
  • Build your own house with various materials
  • Recognition and identification of two dimensional shapes in houses and buildings
  • Get acquainted with the concept of construction, when listening to the story "Building a House" by author Byron Barton - a story describing the stages of building a house.
  • Starting to realise the importance of building a solid house takes time, through the video "The Three Little Pigs" 
  • Discover different versions of the same story as you listen to the Three Little Pigs narrative version and animated version
  • Realise that people and animals live in different houses
  • Let's review the letter Tt, the sound /t/ and the letter Xx, the sound /x/ and the word Construction
[STEMsmart] Building High, Building Strong
[STEMsmart] Building High, Building Strong
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 49 Lessons

During this week, children will explore building tools and materials and begin to focus on building their own buildings. When building, children will discover the strength and durability of the building. Children will:

  • Use different materials, to build houses
  • Learn how to build taller and stronger
  • Watch thematic videos to broaden your knowledge of the science featured during the week
  • Listen to stories read in multiple versions, to learn more about building materials, and make connections between different versions of the same story
  • Learn more about tools, and how people use them through themed series
  • Review the letter Dd, the sound /d/, and the word Instruments
[STEMsmart] Smart Homes
[STEMsmart] Smart Homes
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 41 Lessons

This week, children will learn about Smart Homes. Children will:

  • Identify the uses of the house, the rooms in the house, and the furniture in each room
  • Brainstorm the idea of ​​​​implementing the Smart Home project, visualise the function, and design the rooms in the smart house and the furniture of each room.
  • Learn and study how to build a green and eco friendly house
  • Design and create smart furniture for each room
  • Finishing the house and giving a presentation on my Smart Home project
[STEMsmart] Smart Lifestyles (3R)
[STEMsmart] Smart Lifestyles (3R)
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 39 Lessons

This week, children will learn about smart living through environmental protection activities: Reduce-Reuse-Recycle. Children will:

  • Recognise what is important to the habitat of each species, the benefits of a clean environment to people and animals
  • Assess the health of the surrounding environment, and identify sources of pollution
  • Identify the causes of environmental pollution, and some measures to protect the environment
  • Realise the effect of saving the earth's energy resources by minimising the use of unnecessary resources
  • Assess the situation of waste in schools and propose measures to reduce waste in schools
  • Identify and compare behaviours, and habits in daily life that are harmful to the environment
  • Recognise the benefits of cleaning and disposing of garbage in the right place, the benefits of sorting and recycling
[STEMsmart] The Solar System
[STEMsmart] The Solar System
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 45 Lessons

This week your child will learn about the planets in the universe:

  • Learn about the Solar System, the planets in the Solar System
  • Get to know the planets that revolve around the Sun
  • Identify the impact of the Sun on the Earth, and life on earth
  • Identify the order of the planets in the Solar System
  • Explore the colour, size, and characteristics of each planet
  • Identify the factors that help the Earth have life
  • Read and watch stories and videos about planets in the Solar System
  • Review the letter Hh, the sound /h/, and the word Planet.
[STEMsmart] The Moon
[STEMsmart] The Moon
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 38 Lessons

This week, children will learn about the Moon:

  • Learn the structure and shape of the Moon
  • Recognise that the Moon has different phases/cycles
  • Learn about the Earth, Moon, and Sun motion systems
  • Recognise the role of the Moon, life on Earth when there is a Moon
  • Read and watch stories and videos about the Moon
  • Review the letter Mm, the sound /m/, and the word Moon.
[STEMsmart] Stars and Constellations
[STEMsmart] Stars and Constellations
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 41 Lessons

In this lesson, children will learn about stars and their characteristics. Children will:

  • Review a familiar star in the universe: The Sun
  • Recognise the shape, characteristics of stars, classification of stars
  • Explain why the stars are blinking
  • Get to know some constellations
  • Distinguishing stars and planets in the Solar System
  • Learn about comets and meteors
[STEMsmart] Fly Me to the Moon
[STEMsmart] Fly Me to the Moon
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 41 Lessons

In this lesson, children will explore rockets and space stations. Children will:

  • Explore the space station, its functions, its orbit
  • Tour the inside of the space station and discover the robotic arm
  • Review about the Solar System and what your child has learned about our universe
  • Distinguish between man made and natural objects in the universe
  • Do experiments on the distance and flight direction of the rocket
  • Tiny rocket launch test
  • Watch videos and read books on rocket/space topics
  • Review the letter Tt, the sound /t/, and the word Rocket. 
[STEMsmart] Dream Careers
[STEMsmart] Dream Careers
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 44 Lessons

During this week of the program, children will be able to recognise, and understand more about careers in society, and career orientations they want to do in the future.

  • Having initial perceptions about work and career, assessing what they like to do and don't like to do, which serve as a basis for career guidance.
  • Role play about different professions to understand more about the work of each profession
  • Listen to songs and stories about each different profession to understand and appreciate each person's work more
  • Understand the importance of professions in society
  • Understand that different careers have different job characteristics and different requirements, and that children can train themselves from a young age to meet those requirements if they want to pursue a career they love.
  • Understand that everyone has the right to do what they like, and find suitable
[STEMsmart] Money and Business
[STEMsmart] Money and Business
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 40 Lessons

During this week of the learning program, children will learn about the currency of Vietnam, and some other countries, learn where money is produced, and learn how to use their money with 3 pipes of Spend - Saving - Share:

  • Children recognise the notes in circulation in Vietnam, distinguish the front and back of the bill as well as the image printed on it.
  • Reviewing geographical knowledge about places in the North, Central and South, continents and oceans in the world by learning the origin of some foreign currencies
  • Children can watch themed videos to learn about production, and recognise the concepts of Earn - Spend - Save - Share
  • Children learn to spend money rationally, and "make money", and learn to divide money into 3 piles, Spending - Saving - Sharing
  • Children have initial awareness of business profession, the role of entrepreneurs and customers
  • Identify the elements necessary to open a store, and plan to open a store or business including: name, product, uniform, store decoration, ...
  • Recognise the concept of advertising, and design your own business card/flyer to introduce your store.
[EDU009O] Preschool STEM Education (Online) (Annual)
[EDU009O] Preschool STEM Education (Online) (Annual)
1,500,000 VND 6 sections 70 Lessons

This course is specifically designed for principals, assistant principals, and early childhood teachers. The course provides industry best practices for STEM education in preschools, giving you the confidence to introduce STEM oriented early childhood education into your classroom, and providing children with the best learning experiences.

The course is delivered in an online format. You can study from anywhere and anytime you want.

The entire course is designed for 5 weeks of study, so that you have enough time to study the materials provided, and do the homework assignments.

[STEMsmart] Free Sample
[STEMsmart] Free Sample
0 VND 2 sections 12 Lessons

This is part of the "Roads and Crossings" learning theme, which is part of the STEMsmart Preschool Program.

When you sign up for the STEMsmart Preschool Program, you'll get a full set of STEM oriented learning topics for preschoolers, with a new topic each week throughout the school year. View STEMsmart learning topics click here.

If you are running a bilingual or international program, you can use the STEMsmart Preschool Program in both or more languages. STEMsmart is now translated into over 100 languages! 

If you have any questions regarding the STEMsmart Early Childhood Education Program, you can send them to us via this link or send an email to admin@stemsmart.net

[STEMsmart] Color
[STEMsmart] Color
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 37 Lessons

This week will open a new topic: "Colorful world". Children will recognize colors, learn to mix colors, observe color changes in nature and in science experiments. Children will also learn the connection between colors and human emotions.

  • Children recognize colors through stories, songs and connect with objects around them;
  • Children explore colors around them in the classroom and in nature;
  • Children conduct interesting science experiments on color and color mixing such as Color Experiment “moving”, Dyeing flowers, dyeing rice… to understand more about colors as well as create their own new colors. me;
  • Children learn about some color phenomena in nature such as autumn yellow leaves, color changing geckos, rainbows... 
[STEMsmart] Shape
[STEMsmart] Shape
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 37 Lessons

This topic helps children review basic shapes, learn new shapes, recognize and compare the characteristics and sizes of shapes, become familiar with shapes and working principles of 2D printers, 3D.

  • Children recognize shapes through stories and songs and relate to objects around them;
  • Children explore shapes together in the classroom, at home and in nature;
  • Children learn and review the characteristics of shapes they have learned; familiarize yourself with the concept of cubes; learn the difference between a flat and a cube;
  • Children create works with shapes;
  • Children read "Not a Box" by Antoinette Portis to share her bunnies' rich ideas about what everyone thinks is a box, and "The Shape of My Heart" by Mark Sperring to get used to freehand shapes.
  • Children set up a printing workshop and experience printing to distinguish the operating principles of 2D and 3D printers.
[STEMsmart] Models
[STEMsmart] Models
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 36 Lessons

During this week, children will learn and become familiar with the concept of patterns, learn the rules and applications of patterns in life, and create their own unique patterns.

  • Children distinguish between repeating patterns, and ascending and descending patterns;
  • Have the opportunity to recognize, discover, and learn the pattern of patterns in songs, stories, everyday life, and in nature;
  • Children learn the application of models in all areas of life and creatively apply models in the fields of fashion, construction, decoration...;
  • Children practice model creation through exercises to learn the pattern rule and fill in the array of objects on the basis of understanding the pattern rule;
  • Children learn and become familiar with the concept of repeating patterns through the stories Beep beep zoom zoom and Model fish. Children also befriend Lu in the story The Rain Drops and compare Lu's weekday pattern with his or her own pattern of days of the week;
  • Children will listen to books about Pete the Cat with Four Fashionable Buttons, and Sleeping House, to predict the ending by applying the law of ascending and descending patterns.
[STEMsmart] Louvre Museum
[STEMsmart] Louvre Museum
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 32 Lessons

This week, children will review what they have learned about colors, shapes and patterns. Children will:

  • Discuss how to display their group's products;
  • Observe and comment on your team's products;
  • Compare product groups;
  • Confidently present about their group's products;
  • Expand the application of products in terms of size, quantity, color, shape.
[STEMsmart] Jurassic Park
[STEMsmart] Jurassic Park
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 37 Lessons

This week, children will learn about the theme of Jurassic Park. 

  • Children will learn, recognize fossils and make their own fossils. Children will be very curious and learn about the end of the dinosaur age in the ice age;
  • Children will use their senses to dig dinosaur bones. After that, the children will group the objects they find by similar characteristics and make presentations about the results they find;
  • Children will do experiments to show how dinosaurs eat;
  • Children will recognize the letter "D" in the word Dinosaur (English), the letter "K" in the word "dinosaur", "archaeology";
  • Children will also listen to books about dinosaurs together;
  • Children will paint in simple lines and curves. Children will begin to practice writing when they draw and write about their favorite dinosaur stories;
  • Children will create movements through music to imitate the actions of dinosaurs;
  • Children will use life-size objects or familiar animals to demonstrate understanding of the true size of a dinosaur.
[STEMsmart] Prehistoric times
[STEMsmart] Prehistoric times
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 36 Lessons

This week, your child will learn a topic about Prehistoric Man. Children will:

  • Discover the names, characteristics, activities, living places of prehistoric people;
  • Children discover symmetry, shapes, numbers, and spatial and temporal orientation in the past and present after exploring tools, living places, and characteristics of prehistoric people;
  • Children will learn techniques of stone carving, crafting rudimentary labor tools, saving fossil samples;
  • Develop children's vocabulary about prehistoric people's life, working tools, words indicating time, words indicating "symmetrical" mathematical concepts;
  • Children will be able to create fossil samples, fossil specimens, create costumes of prehistoric people, create tools for prehistoric people;
  • Play prehistoric games: pepper throwing, basket picking, prehistoric dance, percussion and clapping;
  • Children learn how to be safe when using work tools and apply them directly to safety when participating in daily work and study.
[STEMsmart] King and Queen
[STEMsmart] King and Queen
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 39 Lessons

This week children will continue to travel with the Time Machine, after going to Prehistory, they will experience the theme of Kings and Queens. Through fairy tales, ancient history, children will:

  • Learning about the concept of time, the old days, the past, about the story of the dynasties;
  • Learn how to use painting materials and build castles, learn about ancient architecture;
  • Design, create, architecture and decorate castles and design royal costumes;
  • Listen to stories and songs about kings, queens, princes, princesses…;
  • Inspiring dreams of aesthetic beauty in all ages, and beauty from many different countries.
[STEMsmart] Around the World
[STEMsmart] Around the World
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 31 Lessons

To prepare them to be future global citizens, this week they will experience a trip around the world. Children will: 

  • Know the characteristics and role of passports, know how to use passports when traveling abroad
  • Know the names and uses of the necessary items when traveling
  • Know the names and locations of the continents in the world, distinguish the different climate characteristics on the continents
  • Develop emotional and social abilities because they will:
    • Know how to respect the difference
    • Start learning how to cooperate with your travel group friends
    • Learn safety skills when traveling
[STEMsmart] Fairy tales
[STEMsmart] Fairy tales
1,000,000 VND 6 sections 43 Lessons

This week, children will immerse themselves in the world of fairy tales, a colorful world with fascinating stories such as "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," "Little Red Riding Hood," "The Lion and the Mouse." ,” “The Emperor's New Clothes” and “The Long-Haired Princess.” Children will read books, watch cartoons, participate in games and creative activities to better understand the characters, plots in fairy tales and the life lessons conveyed in each story. . Through these exciting experiences, children will develop STEM, language, and social-emotional skills. 

Children will:

  • Explore the fairy tale world through indoor and outdoor activities
  • Watch videos and read books about fairy tales and their characters
  • Develop awareness of fairy tale elements and life lessons conveyed through each story
  • Engage in creative and imaginative activities related to fairy tales to immerse yourself in each story