[STEMsmart] Build a house

1,000,000 VND 6 sections 47 Lessons


During the first week, children will begin to learn about houses and buildings. Children will:

  • Explore different materials used in house construction
  • Getting to know the different parts of a house
  • Build your own house with various materials
  • Recognition and identification of two dimensional shapes in houses and buildings
  • Get acquainted with the concept of construction, when listening to the story "Building a House" by author Byron Barton - a story describing the stages of building a house.
  • Starting to realise the importance of building a solid house takes time, through the video "The Three Little Pigs" 
  • Discover different versions of the same story as you listen to the Three Little Pigs narrative version and animated version
  • Realise that people and animals live in different houses
  • Let's review the letter Tt, the sound /t/ and the letter Xx, the sound /x/ and the word Construction
Course Content

General guidance

[SST08.1] Overview
[SST08.1] Learning Outcomes
[SST08.1] Letter to Parents
[SST08.1] Share your ideas

Day 1

[SST08.1] Welcome song: “When I built a house”
[SST08.1] Let's chat: Houses and buildings
[SST08.1] Watch: Houses in the World
[SST08.1] Time of Discovery (Outdoor): Searching for Materials
[SST08.1] Small group activities: Different materials
[SST08.1] Watch: “Three Little Pigs” #1
[SST08.1] Let's learn letters together: Letter Xx and the word “Building”
[SST08.1] Play with words: Action words
[SST08.1] Family Connection

Day 2

[SST08.1] Welcome song: “When I build a house” #2
[SST08.1] Let's chat: More materials
[SST08.1] Discovery Time (Indoor): Walls and Roofs
[SST08.1] Small group activity: Construction tools
[SST08.1] Read together: Building a house #1
[SST08.1] Watch: “Three Little Pigs” #2
[SST08.1] Let's play: Pig, pig, wolf!
[SST08.1] Let's learn the letters: Nn and the word "House"

Day 3

[SST08.1] Welcome song: “When I build a house” #3
[SST08.1] Let's chat: The walls of the house
[SST08.1] Explore Together (Indoor): Blow to test your house
[SST08.1] Small group activity: Build a house with available materials
[SST08.1] Watch: “Three Little Pigs” #3
[SST08.1] Draw and write together: “Three little pigs” #1
[SST08.1] Let's learn letters: The letter in our name (“Xx”)
[SST08.1] Wordplay: Matching Game

Day 4

[SST08.1] Welcome song: “Let's go!” (“Walking! Walking!”) #1
[SST08.1] Let's chat: Shapes in the house
[SST08.1] Exploring Together (Outdoor): Build Shapes
[SST08.1] Small group activity: Building a shape house
[SST08.1] Read together: Building a house #2
[SST08.1] Draw and write together: “Three little pigs” #2
[SST08.1] Let's learn letters: Alphabet bag (/x/)
[SST08.1] Play on words: Chorus (/x/)
[SST08.1] Wordplay: Sentence Elements

Day 5

[SST08.1] Welcome song: “Let's go!” (“Walking! Walking!”) #2
[SST08.1] Let's chat: Inside a building
[SST08.1] Explore together (Indoor): Build a house
[SST08.1] Read together: “Three little pigs” #4
[SST08.1] Draw and write together: Our little pigs
[SST08.1] Let's learn letters together: Searching for letters ("Xx/Nn") and Building/House words
[SST08.1] Let's learn letters: Letters make up words
[SST08.1] Summary
[SST08.1] Family Connection