[STEMsmart] Making Sounds

1,000,000 VND 6 sections 43 Lessons


During the first week of this topic, children will continue to expand their sound discoveries from the previous weeks and create music. They will:

  • Explore different ways of making sounds like drag, knock;
  • Pay attention to sound characteristics such as volume, pitch, and timbre; notice how the characterisation of the sound with the voice;
  • Explore different materials for making musical instruments, such as a rubber band guitar;
  • Read books and listen to music themed reading stories to realise the beauty and power of music;
  • Review the letter  and the word “Music”.
Course Content

General guidance

[SST01.2] Overview
[SST01.2] Learning Outcomes
[SST01.2] Webinar Recording (Video 01:23:16)
[SST01.2] Letter to Parents
[SST01.2] Share your ideas

Day 1

[SST01.2] Welcome Song: “Bingo” or “The Hello song”
[SST01.2] Let's discuss: Sound is everywhere
[SST01.2] Read together: Sound is everywhere
[SST01.2] Let's Chat: Explore Sound
[SST01.2] Writing and drawing together: Noisy or quiet
[SST01.2] Discover together (Indoor): Drums and lute players
[SST01.2] Let's learn the letters: The letter Ââ and the word “Music”
[SST01.2] Let's learn letters together: Writing on sandpaper ("Ââ")
[SST01.2] Family Connection

Day 2

[SST01.2] Welcome Song: “Bingo” or “The Hello song”
[SST01.2] Let's discuss: Composing music
[SST01.2] Let's Explore (Indoor): Rubber Band Guitar
[SST01.2] Play together: Long distance phone
[SST01.2] Watch: Violet's Music (Video 4:00)
[SST01.2] Let's learn letters: The letter of our name ("Ââ")
[SST01.2] Let's Play Together: “Make Music”

Day 3

[SST01.2] Welcome Song: “Bingo” or “The Hello song”
[SST01.2] Let's Chat: Exploring Surfaces and Sounds
[SST01.2] Let's Explore (Outdoor): Outdoor Sound
[SST01.2] Read together: "Abiyoyo"
[SST01.2] Let's learn letters: Alphabet bag /â/
[SST01.2] Draw and write together: Giant Abiyoyo

Day 4

[SST01.2] Welcome Song: “Bingo” or “The Hello song”
[SST01.2] Let's chat: High or low
[SST01.2] Let's Explore (Indoor): Different Voices, Different Pitch
[SST01.2] Small group work: Materials that make a high or low sound
[SST01.2] Read together: "Abiyoyo"
[SST01.2] Sing together: High or low voice
[SST01.2] Co-starring: Abiyoyo's Voice

Day 5

[SST01.2] Welcome Song: “Bingo” or “The Hello song”
[SST01.2] Let's chat: Looping
[SST01.2] Explore together (indoor): Music from the chun guitar
[SST01.2] Small group activity: New elastic guitar
[SST01.2] Draw and write together: The process of making a chun guitar
[SST01.2] Read together: Teacher's choice
[SST01.2] Let's learn the letters: The letter Ââ and the word “Music”
[SST01.2] Wordplay: Complete rhyme
[SST01.2] Summary: Review together